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MASSIVE Work Place Walkout Nov 8-11.

75% of our country can be part of a MASSIVE walkout Nov 8-11.

75% of our country can be part of a MASSIVE walkout Nov 8-11. 
Every influencer-every man and woman in the country
Everyone is now backing the Nov 8-11 walkout.  RFK, Dr. Simone Gold , Flynn, Charlie Kirk, etc.   major industries are backing the Nov 8-11 walkout to really wake people up.  Yes major industries I cannot name right now are saying this has to have impact to work so they are hoping America will do what we need to fo to make this walk out possible.  Everyone is now supporting Nov 8-11.  Businesses are planning to strike. Supply chains need to be disrupted to have the effect this needs to have. It’s the biggest strike that will happen
In our history.  

Text 53445 the word FREEDOM and get updates on this. no matter where you work- every one is doing a massive WALKOUT Nov 8-11!  Walk out on your company, your job, your employer- WALK OUT AMERICA.  

THIS WILL BE MASSIVE!  All Americans are coming together to WALK OUT of their job. 
I don't care if you are pro shot or against the shot.  
We all lose body autonomy if they not only get THIS shot mandated, but 300 more shots mandated that they have in the works.  It will be endless. They cannot force you to put your life at risk. SUPPORT FREEDOM! SUPPORT Liberty!!!!!!!!!!
You are an AMERICAN.  We do not mandate experiments in this country. 

MASSIVE WALKOUT to save the workforce in this country!  NOV 8-11 and let your employer know you will be joining the rest of the country! From General Flynn to you name it! Everyone is on board and saying walk out Nov 8-11 to save our country from this administration and corporations that are caving to mere "announcements" that are not laws.

Spread It!

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