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It is time for discernment and preparation, not panic

Info Jan 10, 2021
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Good morning People's Rights Oregon

I would like to take a moment this beautiful Sunday morning to share a message with you.

There is a lot of information going about the internet and social media platforms about what may or may not happen in the coming days and weeks.  What I would like to stress upon each of you is this statement.  The government has masterfully deployed the tactic of misdirection upon each of us. We truly do not know what it real or fake news.  We do not know for certain if anything we read anymore has any truth to the matter at hand.  This tactic, used on purpose, is designed to make each of us question our ability to act when needed.  Good people want to do the right thing when called upon.  The government has made every statement, news article and action shadowed in a cloud of doubt, designed to keep us from engaging.  

Now, the fact of the matter is, what is to come or not to come is completely out of our hands.  If we apply a little discernment to the situation we can see that the unknown leaves us very idle and in turn vulnerable to the future in front of us.  I implore each and every one of us to not sit idle and focus on what we can control; our ability to prepare for a situation where we may go dark for a period of time.  We can not help anyone else if we can not first take care of ourselves and our families.

Take this time to hope for the best, BUT PREPARE FOR THE WORST.  We truly can not control or even know what is around the corner, but we can control how we face that unknown.  FOOD, WATER, FUEL.  Those are the minimum requirements.  Please take the time available to ensure you have the minimum to sustain yourselves and your family.

So, again I would stress.. use discernment while reading and researching.  Please do not panic, but prepare.  Get with your neighbors and friends and make a plan on how to come together, communicate, and protect each other.  These things are truly what you CAN control.  I am not saying to ignore what you read and see, but to truly consider and act on the things you can control in your life.  If we are to survive any emergency in front of us, we must be able to sustain and fight our way through.  So take this time to get prepared, get organized, and ready to UNITE TO DEFEND.

BJ Soper

Oregon State Assistant

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